Field Notes

Program info and updates regarding Lori Taylor's website,

Monday, July 03, 2006

"Let Children Walk with Nature..." (detail)

"Let Children Walk with Nature..." is a new work, 18x24" mixed media, that celebrates the child and artist/naturalist with an illuminated quote from John Muir.

Celebrate Artists & Naturalists

"It will be the artists and naturalists who will save and protect the children and the earth, a bridge, a link from them to the natural world."
---Richard Louv Last Child in the Woods

"Everyone in the creative field has the responsibility to prevent the destruction of nature. We must try to get people to think differently rather than going around picking up beer cans."
---Gwen Frostic, Michigan Artist

Thank you to all of the artists and naturalists, parents and grandparents that walked with us and told us natural stories and brought our generation to a nature awareness and showed us the beauty of this Earth so that we may pass it on. There will always be those who will remember.